ShefDevSoc Sumo Digital Visit!
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Sumo Digital Studio Visit
We’re excited to let you all know that we’re going to be having more visits to Sumo Digital, alongside students from the Sheffield Hallam GameDevSoc!
It’ll be a fairly relaxed visit where we’ll watch a GDC (Game Development Conference) talk with some snacks, get to talk to employees about what they do, and possibly receive feedback on any work you’ve done.
Just as a side note, Sumo had to handle some bookkeeping with Health & Safety, so we couldn’t put this out as early as we would’ve liked. For future visits, we’ll announce well in advance.
We only have a limited number of places (10 people) for this month’s visit due to studio-specific events, so it’ll be a case of first come, first served this time around. However, there’ll be more visits, so you’ll still have a chance to come along.
The visit will take place on the 20/03/24 from 4 - 6pm, so if you’d like to come, fill out this form ASAP to not miss your chance! Remember, you must be a society member to attend.
More details around transport and location will be released closer to the event.