Steel Jam 2024

Steel Jam 2024


We’re going to be hosting a Game Jam alongside Hallam GameDevSoc, which will be running from the 30th Nov to 1st Dec!

You’ll have 24 hours to make a game based on a theme, that will be announced on the day, with others or by yourself. In between all of this, there will also be breaks in between with free pizza and snacks to help make sure you have the energy to push through.

What is a Game Jam?

A Game Jam is an event where developers work on making a game, based on a theme, in a specific period of time.

How many to a team?

The max team size is 4, so you can work by yourself or with others if you’d like. Don’t worry if you haven’t found a teammate though, there will be time at the start to find someone.

What is a theme, and what will be the theme?

A theme is something that will be what your game will roughly be about. You do not need to follow the theme closely, as long as it vaguely relates to it.

The theme will be kept a secret until the game jam starts.

What are the prizes?

Also a secret until the Jam starts. :)

When and Where is it?

We are going to be moving between 2 different rooms for the first and second day due to booking issues. It also won’t be overnight because the Diamond is no longer open 24 hours :(

Day 1

Date & Time: Nov 30th 10:00 - 21:30 Location: Diamond, Workroom 1

Day 2

Date & Time: Dec 1st 8:00 - 16:00 Location: Diamond, Workroom 2

When can I get a Ticket?

You can get a ticket for Steel Jam through this form right now!

How many Tickets are there?

There are 15 Tickets for people to grab. The tickets are free, but you must be a society member to grab one! If you do miss out on grabbing one, you can also try and grab a membership with HallamGameDevSoc and getting a ticket there.