Steel Jam 2023

Steel Jam 2023


What is a Game Jam?

A Game Jam is an event where developers work on making a game, based on a theme, in a specific period of time.

How many to a team?

The max team size is 4, so you can work by yourself or with others. Don’t worry if you’re alone as there’ll be time at the start to find one.

What is the theme?

Theme will be kept a secret until the day of the event.

When and Where is it?

Date & Time: Nov 25th 13:00 - Nov 26th 16:00

Location: Diamond, Workroom Room 2

When can I get a Ticket?

You can get a ticket for Steel Jam on the SU Website right now! Society Members can get tickets for Free while Non Members have to pay £2 for a Ticket.

How many Tickets are there?

There are 40 Tickets for people to grab. Don’t worry if you miss out on getting a ticket as we’ll have a waiting list released after we run out.