
Game Development Society

Hi, and welcome to GameDevSoc!

We’re a society that hopes to provide a space for students, new & old, to collaborate and work together to build on their skills and create amazing games!

We have big plans for the upcoming year ranging from:

  • Game Jams
  • Competitions
  • Tutorials
  • Talks
  • Socials

The society is open to anyone from a whole host of different disciplines as games always require people with unique skillsets to excel. We hope to accommodate everyone’s diverse interests and abilities by covering many different topics that may be regularly overlooked in the game dev industry.


Steel Forge 2023 Results

  • 1 min read

Thanks to everyone who came to Steel Jam, we had a blast!

We hope you enjoyed the free food and snacks, the movie night and of course werewolf. The theme for this jam was switching perspectives and we loved what people came up with.

We were very pleased with the number of quality submissions, here are just a few of our favorites

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